2 days until Electoral College votes
Ask reporters for more coverage of Russian interference in our election. (Credit to FightTrump.co for research).
Increase pressure for GOP electors and leaders to oppose Trump on Monday.
My name is —- —–, and I am writing to thank you for covering the incoming administration’s ties to Russia and to ask you to continue doing so. Between Russian interference in the campaign, big oil interests in the State department, and the admiration Trump has for Putin, there is enormous potential for conflicts of interest. The American people need to see these conflicts and concerns clearly explained and frequently publicized. Please continue to give these conflicts and concerns the attention and press they deserve.
NYT Public Editor: public@nytimes.com
NYT Reporter: maggiehaberman@nytimes.com
Washington Post Investigative Reporter: fahrenthold@washpost.com
WSJ Reporter: michael.rothfeld@wsj.com
WSJ Reporter: Alexandra.Berzon@wsj.com
Tweet at any of these handles:
- @fahrenthold
- @maggieNYT
- @spaydl
- @sangerNYT
- @mrothfeld
- @alexandraberzon
- @TheJuanWilliams
- @ShepNewsTeam
Draft tweet:
Please continue reporting ties between Trump admin and Russia – America deserves to know it all
A few recent articles…
Don’t lose hope, because…
- Postpone Electoral College Vote and Inauguration, Pending Investigation (change.org petition)
Keep fighting!