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Thursday 20161215 – Brief the Electors Now

3 days until Electoral College votes

Call or tweet Department of Intelligence Director James Clapper and request that he honor the Electors’ request for a briefing before they vote on Monday.

Get the Department of Intelligence to brief the Electors NOW on Russian interference in the election.

Script and Contacts:
Department of Intelligence: (703)-733-8600

Script: “My name is ________ and I’m calling from Washington. In light of the growing number of Electoral College members requesting information on the nature and scope of Russian interference in our democratic process and election, I am requesting you honor the Electors’ request for a briefing on this issue so they are fully informed before casting their vote.  They need this information now.”

Twitter handle: @ODNIgov

Tweet: @ODNIgov The electors demand to know the truth behind Russian election interference. Brief the electors now! #BriefTheElectors

This week, a bipartisan group of 50+ members of the Electoral College sent an open letter to the Department of Intelligence Director James Clapper demanding a briefing on Russian interference in the election.  They require a full briefing before they vote on Monday the 19th. We need to support the Electors’ requests for information.