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Why I March – a Sound Bite

Uncomfortable with the idea of speaking to others at the march (possibly while being recorded) about your participation? The below are “script-let” ideas that may provide you with a helpful guide of sorts for expressing your involvement concisely and confidently. Please feel free to use this “fill in the blanks” template as a guide if you’re in that boat. This is not a prescribed script, meaning you should of course feel free to individualize and use YOUR voice! Again, this is wording people can choose to use if they’re not comfortable soap-boxing and it should probably be cautioned that while the press can always use unseemly snippets, it can benefit all if we work to represent the entire group in a positive, cohesive way.

Other suggestions one might find helpful are:
Be polite but serious
Stick to facts
Avoid too many specifics and also over-generalizations
If you feel intimidated or anxious, you can always just lean back on a simple “I’m marching because I support human rights” – say your piece and keep marching.
There is no shame in feeling flustered speaking to relative strangers; don’t feel bad about keeping it ‘short and sweet’.


I’m marching to:
… increase visibility for _____________ (human rights issues, women’s right to choose, the disenfranchised, environmental issues, etc.)
… promote awareness of __________ (LGBTQ issues, equal pay, _____ reform, etc.)
… stand against the assault on our _________ (environment, health care system, free press, etc.)
… support ____________ (human rights, justice for all, etc.)
… end ______________ (racism, sexism, classism, discriminatory legislation systems and harmful practices, etc.)
… increase visibility for ___________ (environmental issues, refugee issues, etc)
… show my neighbors, community and friends that I take their concerns seriously, and have deep respect and love for all the inhabitants of this country.
… bring attention to the plight of many marginalized groups because we’re all connected, and we can do better for all. There is room for all. This is a time for all.
… give a voice to non-human beings that are impacted by our actions.
… say that we cannot heal and improve upon that which we ignore or denigrate, no matter how difficult, inconvenient or time-consuming.
…send a message to our government and politicians that people of all creeds, colors, backgrounds, religions, genders, abilities and income levels deserve dignity, respect and equality. They can and do make contributions, seen and unseen, to this great nation. We owe it to present and future generations to strive for a better, safer, healthier, more just, and prosperous nation and world.

By Lindsay Sandbar