Our eyes are on the prize of a clean energy future. We know the carbon must stay in the ground, and we have worked for years to reject proposals to transport it through our neighborhoods and export it from Xwe’chieXen, traditional fishing grounds of our Lummi neighbors.
Just weeks ago, after years of study and public input and the denial of permits for the Gateway Pacific Terminal – which would have been North America’s largest coal terminal – Washington DNR commissioner Peter Goldmark updated the Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve boundary to include the pier-shaped hole once reserved for the pier. Do you see it there on the map below, just below Henry Rd? Since there will be no pier built, the cut out is not necessary.
Just weeks ago, after years of study and public input and the denial of permits for the Gateway Pacific Terminal – which would have been North America’s largest coal terminal – Washington DNR commissioner Peter Goldmark updated the Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve boundary to include the pier-shaped hole once reserved for the pier. Do you see it there on the map below, just below Henry Rd? Since there will be no pier built, the cut out is not necessary.
Senate Bill 5171 proposes we re-open the possibility of a fossil fuel export pier in the herring spawning area by reversing the DNR decision. It is a signal to fossil fuel darlings in DC that there’s still hope for the GPT project.
We are having none of it. We can kill this bill and send a strong message that any efforts to revive the project are wasted.
The bill will be heard by the Senate Natural Resources Committee on TUESDAY JANUARY 24th. We expect tribal leaders from throughout the state to attend and speak against the bill. You have three choices for action.
- Attend the hearing in Olympia – WEAR RED. 1:30pm (subject to change) Natural Resources & Parks, Senate Full Committee, Senate Hearing Rm 3, J.A. Cherberg Building, 304 15th Ave SW, Olympia, WA 98501
Pantsuit Bellingham members RSVP here.
Carpools are being organized from Whatcom County.
If you are not a member of Pantsuit Bellingham RSVP here. - UPDATE: calls worked! No more calls needed.
- Watch the hearing on the live broadcast. If you are a member of the Pantsuit Bellingham Facebook group, you can participate in the watch party.

Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve
Background information: https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com/history/sacred-places/xwechiexen-now-part-state-cherry-point-aquatic-reserve/