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Civic Tithing

Civic tithing can stabilize funding for our local organizations in an uncertain economic future. And that future will arrive on January 20. From the Old English for “one-tenth”, tithing has traditionally meant giving part of one’s income to a church or government. In civic tithing,… Read More »Civic Tithing

Womxn’s Marches – Bellingham, Seattle, DC

We’re getting a lot of questions about the Women’s Marches.  Here are links to information for marches in Bellingham, Seattle and DC. Womxn’s March on Washington – Bellingham Event Information Website Facebook page Facebook event   Womxn’s March – Washington State – Seattle Event Information… Read More »Womxn’s Marches – Bellingham, Seattle, DC

Wednesday 20161214 – Call for Complete Investigation Before January 6th

5 days until Electoral College votes Today we have one main action and two bonus actions.  Be a #SuitUp hero and complete all three actions. Action: Call the White House. Ask that President Obama move the completion date of the CIA’s investigation into Russian hacking of… Read More »Wednesday 20161214 – Call for Complete Investigation Before January 6th

Tuesday 20161213 – Call for Investigation of Russian Interference

6 days until Electoral College votes Action: Call senators at their home offices and DC offices in support of a nonpartisan investigation of Russian interference in the presidential election to be completed before the electoral college vote is certified on January 6th. Goal: Get as… Read More »Tuesday 20161213 – Call for Investigation of Russian Interference

Monday 20161212 – Release the CIA Report to the Electors

7 days until Electoral College votes Release the CIA Report on Russian Interference in the Presidential Election Action: Call your senators and representative at their home offices and DC offices and ask them to publicly call on the White House to release the CIA report to… Read More »Monday 20161212 – Release the CIA Report to the Electors